Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jesus or Her Boyfriend

I hate Mainstream Christian Pop Praise and Worship music. Well, most that I’ve heard anyway. Have you ever seen that South Park episode where Cartman starts a Christian band and he says all you have to do to write a Christian Praise song is to take out the word “baby” and put in the word “Jesus?” Well, it’s true. I’ve heard it. I’ve seen it done. 
I’ll never forget the time I was invited to a church and I stood up for praise and worship (because I am nothing, if not respectful of other people religious observances) and they sang a song with the line “Lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beat.” I know of a lot of people that really love that song. It's by Kari Jobe and it's called "The more I seek you."
I have no problem with Ms. Jobe or the people that like her music. The HUGE problem I do have though is I was sitting with a bunch of women listening to that song and one of the mom's asked her daughter if she know who the woman was singing to and the girl (who was 9 years old) said "Um, Jesus or her boyfriend."

I asked My husband about this phenomenon (if you want to call it that) and he had this to say:

"A lot of people get it mixed up with the Song of Solomon. They think the Song of Solomon is a love letter to you from Gd. It's not. It's a love letter from Solomon to his wife. Gd doesn't love you like that. Gd loves you MORE than that. He doesn't want to put his hand behind your head and his hand on your breast (SOS 1:6). Think about it; that's Gd making out with you! Gd doesn't want to make out with you. Gd is our father. He isn't our lover. Lover's can break up with you. He know you even better than a mother or a father, the love is deeper than that. It's a different kind of relationship but it sure as hell isn't a sexual relationship.
It never says in the Bible that Gd wants to kiss you and hug you. It says things like "His love will envelope you" and "He is awe inspiring"
The Bible is a series of books, yes, it's the word of Gd. The song of Solomon is the layout of how a loving sexual relationship is supposed to be between a husband and a wife. How a husband and wife is supposed to love each other. It's from Solomon to his wife not from Gd to you."

So, yea, that sums it up entirely for me. When children can't tell the difference between secular love music and "Worship music" it's time for a change. BIG TIME.