Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I finally finished my Dorothy costume

So, our rockin' neighbors invited "us" to their Halloween party. I officially had to finish my Dorothy costume.

It was so easy it was unreal. I used McCalls Pattern M5833. It's basically a smock dress. I used blue gingham fabric from WalMart that was on clearance for 1.50 a yard.

I put some buttons on it and done.
If you don't have a pattern it's really easy to do without. Measure yourself above your bust (boobs) and make 2 big rectangles and sew them together at the sides. Then make 2 straps and sew them on. It's soo easy.
I like the "smock dress" Dorothy a lot more than the "slutty Dorothy" made available to me at costume stores. I will be putting my hair in pigtails. Easy-peasy.

I noticed something disturbing the other day while watching Hoarders (aka the best show of all time; a close 2nd: Dance mom's)
Why can big fat men grow beards that they can carefully sculpt into making them look like they have actual chins, yet, big fat ladies do not have this option?! We have to let our 2nd chins waft in the wind for all to see and embarrass ourselves in pictures, sicking our heads really far forward in a shameless effort to create some shadow effect! LAME!

Catch ya' later turtlenecks!

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