Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Make Cupcakes From Pancake Mix

In a very sad turn of events my husband was let go from the trucking company he worked for. Not fired, just let go. In that same week my car broke down. My car was amazing on gas mileage and his truck sucks. We had to choose between gas and food. We had to apply for food stamps.

Food stamps are a funny thing. I’m very grateful for them; don’t get me wrong, they make sure you can eat. But, on the other hand, they make your diet very poor and lacking in serious nutritional content and variety.

Matthew’s foods are covered. He only eats pizza and spaghetti just about. I however, was finding myself very frustrated cooking the same cheap things over and over again.

I was staring at the cabinet, looking at all of our boxes and cans (food stamps don’t really give you the luxury of fresh produce) and thinking, “what could I make for breakfast?”

So, here I give you, muffins/cupcakes from pancake box mix

Pancake Box Mix                                              Water
Vanilla                                                                   Cinnamon
Cupcake Pan                                                      Fork & Cup
Optional: Frosting

I always mix my pancake mix in a cup or a measuring cup instead of a bowl so you can just pour it. Also, if you are, also on food stamps and you want icing or other things you can’t afford. I just write or email the company that makes it and tell them how amazing/horrible I think their product is and I normally get coupons or even if I’m lucky I get a coupon for a free one. The icing was free that way.

Step 1: Set Oven to 350*. Pour Pancake mix in the cup. Make sure there’s still enough room to add the other ingredients or add more pancake mix.

Step 2: Add Vanilla and Cinnamon and Sugar. I lived in the Middle East for a while so I consequently add cinnamon to EVERYTHING I cook. You’ll notice I’m not using any measurements. That’s because it needs to be made to taste and you can make it no matter how much of the ingredients you have. If it tastes good to you then that’s enough.

Step 3: Add water. Add a little at a time so that the batter gets to the right consistency. You want it to be like cake batter. If you add too much water, no big deal, just add more pancake mix till you get it right. That’s why you left room in the top.

Step 4: Put little paper cups in the muffin pan. Or, if you don’t have paper cups, spray with non-stick cooking spray. If you don’t have spray use a little bit of oil on a piece of wax/regular paper. Anyway you do it, make it slick ‘cause this stuff sticks.

Step 5: Pour the batter into the cups half full. When the oven is preheated put them in. Mine cook best for 10 minutes. They are prefect at that time. Yours however, might take longer or shorter. They are done when you put a toothpick or knife in the middle and it pulls out clean.

After that you can ice them or just eat them plain. I ice mine. It might also work to sprinkle a little bit of sugar on the top of them before you put them in the oven.

Have Fun! If you make them send me pics! 


  1. How much pancake mix, vanilla, cinnamon,and water?

  2. Aubrey, you can add all the ingredients to your preferred consistency and taste.

  3. Sarah, I love this! I took out exactly what you posted here minus the frosting and googled "how to make cupcakes out of pancake mix" and I was brought to your page haha! I also have pumpkin spice which should add an extra little kick to it. Thank you for posting(:

  4. Thank you, Sarah! I wanted to make other tricks using pancake mix and I failed! I always end up on wicked Oreo and much worse, pancakes again. Thank you so so much. :)

  5. do you still need to add eggs to the batter? :)
    thanks! :D

  6. No you don't need to add eggs, that's the beauty of it! Thanks for reading!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I know this was posted over three years ago and you may never see this, but I just wanted to say I hope your family is doing great now and the hardships are just a memory. Every hardship is a learning experience and makes us stronger. I have been there myself and am there again, but I know there's a rainbow after the storm, and that the bad times gives us more compassion and understanding toward others, and it makes us appreciate the good times so much more. Good luck to all and God bless.
